Monday, February 23, 2009

HT News

UK author Helen Hollick is the author of a number of historical fiction novels. Her Arthurian novel, The Kingmaking has just been released in the US by Sourcebooks. Over at News and Random Musings about Historical Novels, there is a short interview with Helen Hollick as well as a link to Margaret Donsbach's review.

Deanna Raybourn has launched her new website! Check it out because it is gorgeous.


  1. Wow great website and interview with Helen! I can't believe that I haven't ever read a Helen Hollick book. I try to stay on top of the latest and greatest historical fiction books. I espeically love books that involve war! For example I just finished reading "Two Brothers: One North, One South," by David H. Jones.

    I love books that are similar to "Two Brothers: One North, One South,"- based on real characters, dramatic, original, and meticulously researched for maximum believability.
    From reviewing the interview with Helen, sounds like I will absolutely love reading her books. I am so glad I stumbled across this site!

  2. I recently finished reading The Kingmaking. I will be posting my review and interview over at So Many Precious book, So Little Time on March 6th. I will also post my review here as well.

    I really enjoyed the book!
