Friday, March 14, 2014

Fact Fiction Friday ~ Kraków Ghetto

Continuing our new and regular feature here at Historical Fiction.  

Each Friday we will publish an historical fact based upon the date. Each fact will be accompanied by a book(s) title and perhaps a review or other snippet.

14th March 1943Kraków Ghetto, one of the five biggest Ghetto's created in Poland by the Nazi regime was "liquidated"

One of the most horrific and yet memorable part of my degree in history was the visiting of one of the former camps. The silence, the desolation and the staunch reminder that so many people perished. Yet, some people, against all the odds survived and have been brave enough to record the life during this very dark part of European history.


  1. I remember going to Krakow and Plaszow concentration camp when I was 14. It was a school trip and being there made it all seem very real and it helped you to really understand what exactly happened there in a way that a textbook doesn't.

  2. My mother's cousin, was 8 years old ,when he and his parents had to flee his home one February night. He told us, how after the war his family relocated 100 miles from Auschwitz. On a school trip, they were taken to visit the concentration camp.You could still smell the ash in the air.
