I write thrillers for a living, with the
occasional venture into the somewhat uncharted and certainly unfamiliar waters
of non-fiction and ghostwriting, and almost inevitably most of the books I read
are also thrillers. If nothing else, I do need to be professionally aware of
what other authors in my chosen genre are producing: I need to be able to spot
new trends as they emerge to avoid ending up—to continue the aquatic theme with
which I started this paragraph—in some unvisited backwater.
thrillers are essentially ephemeral. Once you know the ending of a particular
book, at least some of the excitement and attraction in reading it has gone,
and so most of the books I read today are discarded—or, more accurately, deleted
from my Kindle—once I’ve finished them. I retain very, very few to read again.
If you look at my library, there are almost no novels in it, and the vast
majority of books are reference works which are related in some way to the
subjects that I write about, and I don’t read these, just dip into them when I
need to in the search for some elusive fact.
having said that, I do have one shelf which contains a small number of books
that I read once and enjoyed so much that I decided to keep them, and every so
often I go back and I read them again, with undiminished enjoyment. But I will
freely admit to anyone that they are a somewhat eclectic selection. And they
even include two non-fiction works which I’ll get out of the way first.
alarmingly, both of these books discuss monsters, one type undeniably extinct,
the fate of the other creature rather less certain. The Dinosaur Heresies by Robert Bakker takes a critical look at
these giant animals which roamed the surface of our planet for millions of years
and makes a number of suggestions about them which have yet to be accepted by
mainstream palaeontologists, hence the title. Principally, he believes that
dinosaurs were quite probably warm-blooded and suggest that some of them were a
lot more intelligent than most people believe. Robert Bakker is a
palaeontologist himself – a somewhat eccentric palaeontologist, as I think even
he would agree—but he writes with a fervour and a passion which is enormously
engaging, and his arguments seem to me to be both logical and sensible. Like
almost every child, I was fascinated by dinosaurs when I was growing up, and in
this book they really seem to come alive.
turning to creative writing, one of my personal favourites has to be the entire
universe-encompassing Hitchhiker’s Guide
to the Galaxy series of books by Douglas Adams—a trilogy in four parts, as
he puts it. The author has a deft touch in his use of words and the way he puts
them together, and the story itself is simply wonderful. It pokes fun at
everything from the human race—‘ape-descended life-forms who still think
digital watches are a pretty neat idea’—to the bureaucracy that requires the
demolition of the planet Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass and which
places the planning authority in Alpha Centauri where any complaints should
have been lodged. The book is laced with humour throughout, as the hapless
Arthur Dent travels the galaxy in pyjamas and dressing gown, encountering sexy
archaeologists investigating the demise of civilisations caused by the Shoe
Event Horizon, and hitching rides on spaceships powered by exotic and unlikely
devices, including the Infinite Improbability Drive, the Someone Else’s Problem
Field, and even a space-warping engine which relies on the new science of
bistromatics, mathematics based upon the financial calculations involved in
paying for a meal in an Italian bistro.
other slim volumes on the shelf which still make me laugh are two of the
funniest books ever written, in my opinion. The first is Puckoon by Spike Milligan, an unlikely tale describing the division
of Ireland into two separate
countries, a tale peopled by entirely believable and heavily flawed characters
who find themselves in the strangest of situations. Spike Milligan handles the
complex story beautifully, and the book is genuinely laugh-out-loud funny.
The second novel
is The Great Dinosaur Robbery by
David Forrest, one of the very few books written by two authors (David Forrest
was the joint pseudonym of two writers) that I have read and enjoyed. I know
we’re back to dinosaurs again, but that’s almost incidental. The story is as
simple as it is unlikely, and involves a group of nannies in New York contriving to steal an entire
brontosaurus, bone by bone, from a museum to mail it to Her Majesty the Queen
in London because they
believe it contains a hidden message from a British secret agent. The humour
and the characterisation are simply delightful.
other of my ‘must read again’ books is non-fiction. My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell is one of those books
that instantly transports you to another place and time, in this case the island of Corfu where he spent his
adolescent years just before the Second World War. All of his books—and he
wrote 37 in all—are enjoyable reads, most especially if you’re interested in
the animals with which we share this planet, but this book is a delight no
matter what your view of nature. His descriptions of the island and the many eccentric
characters he met there are a joy to read, and you really feel that you know
the place and the people. I have a particularly soft spot for this book because
it was one of the set books when I was studying English literature at school,
and it enlivened my studies enormously.
there’s my ‘desert island book’: if I were to be stranded somewhere, deprived
of my Kindle and any other form of entertainment, but could take one book with
me, what would it be? That’s actually an easy question to answer. Without the
slightest hesitation I would seize The
Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. Again, as with the Durrell book, I was
lucky enough to read The Hobbit as
part of my school studies, and progression to the longer, darker and much more
absorbing The Lord of the Rings was
an obvious step. I believe this book to be one of the crowning literary
achievements of the twentieth century. Not only is it an absorbing and
fascinating tale, but it is beautifully and creatively written, exciting and
disturbing. Such was JRR Tolkien’s linguistic ability that he not only invented
several new languages to be used in the book, such as Elvish, but he even wrote
poetry and inscriptions in those languages. Quite remarkable. This is a book
I’ve already read two or three times, and which I hope I will be able to read
many times again.
I’m a bestselling author on both sides of
the Atlantic with my
historical mystery thrillers penned under the name ‘James Becker’, which have enjoyed substantial international sales and are now
available in some fourteen languages. The latest book published by Penguin in
the United States of America
and by Transworld in the United Kingdom
is Echo of the Reich.
Thank you so much for your guest post! I love historical mysteries so I'll have to check your titles.
ReplyDeleteGee here it is Mid 2014 and I have just discovered YOU! Quite by accident or coincidence, if you believe in such, I came across "The Moses Stone" which caught my eye. Well, I read the intro and then went on to see if you wrote other such books. Indeed you have! Then I was curious as to who you are, and well here I am. I think we shall form a long "literal" relationship. It shall be rather one-sided I am afraid, for you shall write the book and I shall read the book, but pleasurable for the both of us, I am sure! .