Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday Threads - Inspirational Historical Fiction

There are so many wonderful pieces of historical fiction and I am inspired by many different things.

I think one of the most inspirational books that I read last year was A Parcel of Ribbons by Anne M Powers. I read and reviewed this in December. You can read this review HERE

What is the most inspirational piece of Historical Fiction you have read?


  1. For me the most inspirational book I've read is Zenobia - Birth of a Legend. OK, I'm being biased, my father n law wrote it. I would have loved the story either way, it's a true historical figure who became Queen and challenged Rome. I was shocked I had never heard about such an awesome woman in history.

  2. A Northern Light, by Jennifer Donnelly. I also loved three books by Margaret Lawrence that take place in upstate Maine right after the American Revolution called, The Burning Bride, Hearts and Bones, and Blood Red Roses.

  3. For Freedom by Kimberly Bradley I loved that story the novel was about a French Spy:)

  4. Mine was most definitely Trianon, by Elena Maria Vidal. I cried throughout the book and I could not believe the strength of Marie Antoinette and Louis days before their death. I loved this book!

  5. I enjoyed this book and it was interesting. The only downside to it, is that the author I felt was very bias towards Anne.
    The Equation book

  6. A Parcel of Ribbons by Anne M Powers is really marvelous. I enjoy reading the book over and over again, I love the whole story, it is very inspiring.

    inspirational books for women
