This is a compilation of titles we have found in several places on the web, feel free to add your suggestions if we missed them.
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Disclaimer: the dates specified are from or the author's website. Release dates may vary in different countries.
1 December
- Pemberley Ranch by Jack Caldwell (31/12/10 in the UK)
2 December
- Leopard Unleashed by Elizabeth Chadwick (UK reissue)
7 December
- Death and the Running Patterer: A Curious Murder Mystery by Robin Adair
- The Princess of Nowhere by Lorenzo Borghese
- A Play of Piety by Margaret Frazer
- The Queen Hereafter by Susan Fraser King
14 December
- Secrets of the Tudor Court: By Royal Decree by Kate Emerson
21 December
- The Golden Prince by Rebecca Dean
28 December
- A Royal Likeness by Christine Trent
Thank you for giving a fine list of upcoming historical fiction novels. I am a historical fiction novelist and like to know what's in the field.
ReplyDeleteA book that you might be interested in is Blood, Money, Power by Michele Marie Tate. It combines two eras and shows a great struggle for wealth within three generations of a family.