Saturday, June 6, 2009

Announcing a Jean Plaidy Season

It's been almost a year since we had our first "Season" here at Historical Tapestry. We enjoyed it so much that we thought it would be an event to repeat in the future. And so we are proud to announce that the next few weeks will be devoted to author Jean Plaidy - it's the Jean Plaidy Season.

If you are interested in participating in the Season by contributing a post, then let us know either by leaving a comment (and we'll get in contact with you as long as there is an email address in your profile) or by email to historical.tapestry at gmail dot com. Your guest post could be a review of a favourite Plaidy novel, or a post about why you love to read long as it is Plaidy related!

We will also continue to bring you posts about other Historical Fiction novels we are reading, upcoming releases and anything else that captures out attention during this time as well, so be sure to visit, and visit often!


  1. Count me in! I just ordered her books about Lucrezia Borgia. It would be a great excuse to not leave them on the TBR shelf for months. :-)


  2. I have a few Plaidy reviews on my blog that I would love to share with your blog. I have the Google search feature on the blog so you can easily find the posts and feel free to pick and choose which posts you would like to use, one or all.. I would love to participate in that way.
    marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com
    The Burton Review

  3. Very cool Ladies. I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts.
