Past challenges

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Threads

It's Thursday again, so it's time for a new question. This week, we're asking...

Besides historical fiction, what other genres do you read?
(This includes other historical genres, such as historical mysteries or historical romances)

Kelly: I read basically anything... My favourite genres are anything to do with Canada, non-fictional history, fantasy, and science-fiction.

Nanette: Historical fiction is my first love, but I also enjoy historical romance, epic fantasy, literary fiction, and nonfiction (especially popular science or narrative nonfiction).

Ana: I read just about everything as long as the theme or setting interests me. Fiction and non fiction both historical and contemporary.    I particularly love mysteries and thrillers and historical romance besides HF.

Julie: I read whatever appeals to me, both fiction & non fiction. My favourites are memoir & biographical, cozy mysteries & anything with an historical, quilting & sewing theme & genealogical theme.

Marg: It's probably easier for me to say what I don't read. I read lots of romance, plus some YA, crime, women's fiction, fantasy and sci-fi. I don't really read a lot of non-fiction or horror.

Now it's your turn! Please leave your response in the comments.


  1. Historical fiction, science fiction, modern fiction, literary fiction, historical mysteries, mysteries, detective novels, fantasy, not horror. Some young adult books. Mind you I am too slow at reading, so may not have read all these this year.

  2. Aside from historical fiction (including the historical mystery and historical thriller sub-genres), I also regularly read within the fantasy, young adult and mystery/thriller genre. I love classic literature and history non-fiction, but don't read as much as I should in either area.

  3. I love stories about long walks where the writer thinks deeply about life and can reflect on things he/she has read or experienced in the past.

  4. Historical fiction is my number one genre, but I also enjoy nonfiction (about historical subjects or individuals as well as travelouges), fantasy, mysteries (both historical & modern), I dont like horror, particularly, but I do like ghost stories. I also enjoy some types of science fiction, Octavia Butler's "Lilith's Brood" is one of my favorite books (trilogy, really, but it's usually sold as an omnibus). Recently, I've fallen for graphic novels. "Y: The Last Man" & "Strangers in Paradise" are my favorites.

  5. I am reading a book called "Conquest" its probably not the very best of historical fiction but it has made me read up on the real story. It is of course about 1066 the Battle of Hastings. Anniversary yesterday. Its good and I like to read anything historical that will inspire me to follow up and read more on the subject. I bought this one more because it was about Hereward the Wake. I didn't know much more than I learned in school and was happy to find out a lot more

  6. Historical fiction is my very favorite genre... in fact I am just finishing up a great one titled, "Up From Corinth: Book 2 of Journey Into Darkness" by J. Arthur Moore. Like Moore's book, I enjoy books where the reader experiences events of the time as they truly happened. I want to learn a little something as I am reading, yet still enjoy a great story. That is what I consider a great book!
